f o r t i f y

your soul and live from wholeness, power, and rest.

To the woman in need of true rest and breakthrough.

To the weary, burdened, and overwhelmed. To the bereaved and the one in search of clarity, discernment, and a way forward.

There is hope.

You can find your bearings again. You can be strengthened and renewed.

You can reclaim intimacy with God and walk in wholeness, power, and rest.


You are like a garden.

If left untended and unfortified, you can become overcrowded, overwhelmed, and overrun by the ever increasing. noise and distractions of the world.


Amy Leung

Jesus lover : certified life coach : artist


Hi, there. I’m Amy. I’ve overcome some very challenging and painful things in life and have journeyed through tough wilderness seasons.

Past traumas trained me to function in survival mode for years. I learned to remain very calm on the outside, but deep inside and in my private life, I was very anxious, insecure, and exhausted.

With my soul unfortified and cluttered, I unintentionally allowed life’s circumstances to rule over me.

My life eventually unraveled and the mess inside me imploded. My loved ones were the greatest casualties.

I began a long healing journey and what I discovered is that we are made to live and create from rest.

True life giving rest is found in the shadow of the Almighty, but it requires us to first dwell in the secret place of the Most High (Psalm 91:1 NKJV).

Everything we do and create in life is intended to flow from intimacy with the Creator. Jesus made a way for us to remain tethered to His heart.

The challenge is keeping our souls fortified in an increasingly broken and noisy world constantly vying for our attention and consumption.

In all my years discipling and coaching women, I’ve learned that no matter how great our pain or problem is, the solution is always cultivated in God’s presence.

His presence is where we find clarity, courage, and forward movement.

I am committed to helping women declutter their souls, rebuild intimacy with Christ, and reclaim authority over their lives.

By partnering with God in His Word and through His Spirit and by using practical coaching methods, we will…

- Listen and discern God’s heart.

- Declutter your soul.

- Establish order in your life.

- Form clear vision and goals.

- Define actionable steps to breakthrough and deep growth.

No matter what kind of a mess you might be sitting in today, it’s never too late to start again and be made new.

* See SERVICES page to learn more. *


You were not made to be ruled by life’s circumstances.

Reclaim your identity and establish order back into your life.


Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you”

Psalm 116: 7